This DVD, "Little Thérèse" reveals two great periods in the short earthly life of Saint Theresa (1873-1897). "Saint Theresa in Carmel" is the only historically based film that reveals daily life at Carmel in Lisieux at the time that Theresa spent nine years of hre life there. The dedicated, close cooperation of the Carmel Communily, the authenticity of the place and the objects and gestures… they all concur to recreate the hidden, secret world of Theresa. In the film "Roma Sainte Thérèse" you will experience all the sacred places that Theresa visited during her unforgetable visit to Rome in November, 1887. And you will learn the determined efforts of Popes in the twentieth century to spread her message.
Bonus DVD :
Les quatre saisons dans le jardin du Carmel à la fin du XXè siècle. La châsse de Sainte Thérèse dans la chapelle du Carmel. L'univers de Thérèse aux Buissonnets. Dessins et peintures de l'enfance de Thérèse. Les souvenirs du pèlerinage de Rome en 1887. Les travaux de peinture de Thérèse au Carmel. Les images pieuses de Thérèse.